Elida Sanchez is a macro social worker focused on the field of education, community advocacy and program development/implementation. She has extensive experience creating support systems and managing district-wide programs to serve students, families, teachers and administrators. She enjoys working with community entities, such as nonprofits and for-profit corporations, to promote and provide basic needs and essentials to unlock student potential while expanding their current and future opportunities.

Mostly recently, Elida has focused on unhoused McKinney-Vento and foster students, community schools, as well as Women Empowerment Initiatives in the UC system.

She also has been a Community School Director with the YMCA of Greater Long Beach, a program coordinator for the pipeline program to UCI Law School, and currently is a program specialist with Santa Ana Unified School District. She has had the honor to be a macro practitioner and serve as a field instructor for more than six universities while supporting emerging professional social workers.

We asked Elida a few questions about her philanthropic career. Check out her answers below!

What drew you to start working with nonprofits?

Nonprofits focus on empowering individuals, meet their needs and support them to reach their full potential. In doing so, nonprofits shape communities. I once benefited from nonprofits, I worked directly with nonprofits and now I fundraise and campaign for nonprofits. I wholeheartedly believe in the true impact nonprofits can make not only on individuals but entire communities.

Do you have a favorite nonprofit or area of interest that you like to support?

Generally I like nonprofits that focus on teens and young adults. I appreciate when nonprofits recognize that not all youth have the same reach, accessibly and knowledge to thrive. In my opinion, nonprofits that are adaptable and flexible with participating youth are the most impactful. I really like to see youth in governing boards for them to dictate the path and focus of the organization.

Who or what inspires you?

I am easily inspired by my family, specifically my sweet seven-month-old boy and my fierce 5-year-old daughter. They remind me that love is everywhere. I also surround myself by a network of women who are mothers, professionals, business owners, and who lead with their heart and make positive change.

Which accomplishments — personal or professional — are you most proud of?

Personally, I am proud of my hard work and dedication. I am the first in my immediate family and extended family to have a master’s degree. But, I am mostly proud of my commitment to guide, support and mentor those from the same community. Since high school, I have volunteered to read resumes, personal statements of young Latinas aspiring to purse higher education. I give motivational talks and inspire other Latinas by sharing my experiences, challenges and how I overcame obstacles along the way.

Professionally, during the pandemic I worked towards obtaining my administrative credential. I have also applied and been awarded a grant to support foster and unhoused students in my current position as a macro social worker. I am also proud to share that I am directing change for youth as I was elected into the Orange County Continuum of Care Board where I focus mainly on transitional age youth concerns.

What are your goals as a Partner with Impact Giving?

I am life-long learner. It excites me to explore and expand my knowledge of different nonprofits making a change in the lives of individuals, families and children. I hope to further my understanding in grants as well as expand my networks with the rest of the incredible Partners!



